Saturday 31 August 2013

Sports Medicine In Ayurveda

Reference of sports medicine in age old Ayurveda text ‘ashtangahrudayam’, elaborately describes the need of such division to help smooth functioning of the military force or war force. In action front and in training period, a soldier of ancient India was promptly supported by the knowledge of life, Ayurveda. During the training sessions, each and every trainee was given comprehensive medical guidance as per his physical structure and genetic orientation (prakruthi) from diet regulation to daily routine (dinacharya) with geographical considerations. Further, physical strengthening and other requirement as per the selected speciality of the weapon by the individual was also provided. For example who uses bow and arrow as his main instrument of war needs high concentration, focus, steadiness of hand and shoulder muscles, sharp eyes, spontaneous reflex of fingers etc. Tailor-made treatment plan were effected to enhance the above mentioned abilities, similarly for each items.

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