Wednesday, 14 August 2013

World Of Health

If ‘we’ can replace ‘i’, illnesswill become wellness.
World of Health (W o H)

The world of health is more of illness than wellness!  And with reference to illness, only wellness is defined?

Preface: From the very beginning, life phased challenges and was called as diseases or illness. The solutions were found within the nature and philosophy of living was the foundation of such solutions. The so called holistic, traditional, natural wellness system was evolved in the basis of different fundamentals of the region, hence different methodologies and different applications.
 When science in different forms like physics, mathematics developed, a new medical science also evolved, and true to the other modern science,from trial and error, solutions were developed and later the same were made available for future use without a need of a trial. ALLOPATHY, is the latest arrivals among branches of world’s numerousage old health care systems. But, the whole world of health now revolves around thisinfant science and is the projected face of today’s healthcare.  Further, even after living examples of beneficiaries of all systems, all systems including modern medicines, the recognition is lacking for any other source of wellness, beyond ALLOPATH, hence comprehensiveness is lacking. The diagnosis, treatment and management protocol is standardised as per the modern medical system which still is in a developing stage and is solely dependent on fewest, limited statistics. Surprisingly, the classification of curable/incurable diseases are made out of this small size statistics, compared to the massive size of life, and also simply ignoring the ‘live’ examples around the globe.

The world of health, intend to prove that the ‘world of health’ consists of all streams of medicine systems, not only modern medicine. The noble way to prove the same is to actually cure some incurable diseases scientifically and open the door of healing to masses.

Conventional Medical View
1. The body is stupid
2. The body creates diseases randomly
3. The body cannot heal itself
4. Pain is the problem
5. The problem is where the pain is
6. Everything is separate (mechanistic viewpoint)
7. Drugs and surgery are the only choices
8. Emotions and beliefs have nothing to do with disease
9. Disease is only about biochemical deficiencies
10. You are not responsible for what your body has created
11. Your doctor knows best
12. It must be genetics
13. Science is the only truth
14. The mind and the body are separate
15. The body’s parts wear out and need
to be replaced
16. Medical doctors are great role models
17. Western medicine offers health care
18. Treating symptoms is the norm
19. Fear is the primary motivator

Holistic Medical View
1. The body holds infinite wisdom
2. You create your own disease
3. All disease can be healed
4. Pain is only a messenger
5. The source of the problem is often far from where the pain shows up
6. Everything is connected (holistic)
7. Drugs and surgery should be the last choice
8. Emotions and beliefs have everything to do with disease
9. Disease is a result of an imbalance
10. You are responsible for everything your body creates
11. What your doctor tells you may kill you
12. Genetics are rarely at fault
13. Science is only one source of truth
14. The mind and the body are intimately
15.Replacing the parts is the last option
16. Medical doctors are poor role models
17. Health care is seldom found under
Western medicine
18. The cause of disease is identified and
brought back into balance
19. Hope is the primary motivator

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